Commissions and Competitions

In the last few weeks I have composed 44 tracks for Episode 1 of a forthcoming audio-drama. An excitingly brisk pace of composition that has been very enjoyable!

I have also worked with an US High School, taking the home recordings of individual students and producing a beautiful ensemble performance.

Earlier this year, I composed two original choral works for competitions - one of which has been cancelled due to the lockdown and the deadline of the other has been extended. I'm also preparing the orchestral score for a short film competition that caught my eye.

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The Prison by Ethel Smyth

In preparation for the Cecilia Chorus of New York's premiere in the USA of The Prison by Ethel Smyth, I have produced full audio-realisation, with individual rehearsal lines for double Soprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass. It is a task that requires great care for more than 1000 bars of music and a running time of about 50 minutes. But the end result is that a work that has been very seldom heard can become familiar to choir members and their own practice can be done in the context of the work at large.


Psalm Settings

In response to the Elysian Singers' call for scores, I have set three Psalms for SATB. They are:

Psalm 53 - Where no fear was

Psalm 56 - For God is for me

Psalm 83 - Do unto them

Each posed unique challenges. Sometimes the challenge is to include every word, as in the extended naming in Psalm 83. Sometimes the challenge is not to descend into a sentimental pattern, as in Psalm 56. The ultimate challenge though is to remember that the Word of God is not like the words of men and must be spoken and sung with reverence. I have tried to maintain that tone and also paid great attention to clarity, that the music will not overwhelm the words.